KSDS Alum Parents


Support your fellow alum parents and our alumni May 13, 2015

Filed under: Events,We are proud of our Alum,Where are they now. — alumparentblogger @ 4:04 PM

Alum parent, Ava Barron Shasho LCSW-C, ACC,  a Clinical Social Worker and ICF Certified Life and Relationship Coach, has recently opened an office in the Pikesville area.

Please see the details below and consider using her, should a need arise.
“Unlock your future and release your past”

Website: avabarronshasho.com


Fluent in ASL http://youtu.be/tKiJKkFwkiw


Abby Pinson (98) will be running to save lives, as part of a Woman of the Year fundraising campaign team for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society New York Chapter. On May 16, she will be running the Brooklyn half marathon, and will do so, hopefully covered from head to toe with the names of supporters and honored loved ones!

Isabel, Abby’s mom, donated in honor of Carol Lombardo, who was a teacher in the KSDS middle school. It really means a lot to Abby that she can run in her honor, as well as anyone of your choosing.

If you would like to support Abby, please visit her page at http://www.mwoy.org/pages/nyc/nyc15/apinson  You can put the name(s) in the comments section or send her an e-mail afpinson@gmail.com

To learn more about Allies for a Cure, please visit http://www.alliesforacure.com/


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