KSDS Alum Parents


We Are So Proud of Our Alum April 29, 2015

Filed under: News,We are proud of our Alum,Where are they now.,Why Krieger Schechter? — alumparentblogger @ 9:51 PM

KSDS alumna, Celia Neustadt (04) founded The Inner Harbor Project a few years ago. This group works in downtown Baltimore to identify teen leaders in communities in that area. They provide training and resources to help these leaders come up with solutions to issues, which divide our society.  Celia and The Inner Harbor Project were featured on CNN’s Carol Costello Show this morning, where their trans-formative work in Baltimore was highlighted. In light of recent events, it is evident how important groups like The Inner Harbor Project are.

See more on this on their Facbook page and read about their work on their blog.

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