KSDS Alum Parents


Catching Up December 7, 2014

Filed under: Mazal Tov,News,We are proud of our Alum,Where are they now.,Where are you now. — alumparentblogger @ 8:40 PM

Mazal Tov to…..

Faculty members Dafna and Dr Uri Tasch and Michal and Dr. Uri Reichman on the marriage of their children Noam Tasch to Hadas Reichman.

Harriet and William Helfand on birth of their granddaughter Meital, daughter of Ilanit and and Alex Helfand (98).

Faculty member, Laurie and Aaron Margolies on the birth of a grandson to their children Shira and Jon Waldstreicher.

Barbara Portnoy Spector and Alan (Z”L) Levine on the engagement of Ahnie Levin (04) to Zach Perlmutter.

Raquel Schuster Herr and Stanley (Z”L) Herr on the engagement of Deborah Herr (04) to Zach Richter

Bruce Yailin, who has accepted the position of Executive Director at Shir Chadash Conservative Congregation in the New Orleans area. He and Judy, will be leaving Baltimore at the end of December.


Support our Alumni…

Several of our New York City alumni in New York City have reunited, connecting and collaborating together with an organization called CO/LAB (Creative Opportunities without Limits and Boundaries) Theater Group, which was founded by KSDS alum Arielle Lever (02).  The non-profit’s  mission is to provide individuals with developmental disabilities a creative and social outlet through theater arts.  Since 2011, they have served over 500 individuals ranging from ages 5-78, have offered over 25 classes, and produced 12 productions in Seattle, Chicago, NYC, and the greater NY area. In the last two months, Arielle’s KSDS classmates have joined her in supporting the organization – Elizabeth Lenrow (02) recently joined the organization’s Junior Board and Carly Schleider (02) is working closely in the Development Department.  Visit CO/LAB’s website for more information.

CO/LAB is participating in its largest online campaign to date, hoping to raise $20,000 this month. You can contribute to Arielle’s page, and be sure to check out the video on the homepage for the inside scoop on CO/LAB.


Last Days to Vote for KSDS in the BGE “Wires Down” Video Challenge!

Mr. Thaler and the Grade 4 students put together an amazing video for the BGE “Wires Down” Challenge which promotes electrical safety. The KSDS video is now up on the BGE website, where they are competing against other schools’ submissions for a chance to win $10,000 for KSDS!

They need you, the KSDS community, to show your support for Mr. Thaler and his students’ amazing creativity and help them win the challenge. Visit BGE Video Challenge, scroll down to find the KSDS video, and vote for it to win. You can vote up to three times a day (all in a row if you like) from now until the contest closes on tomorrow, December 8. You can do this on each of your devices. This takes just a few seconds and there is no sign up required, nor e-mail required.


Self-Portraits Sought for Upcoming Book!

Ellen Kahan Zager, a graphic designer and KSDS alumni parent, is designing a book with a grant from the Baltimore/Ashkelon Partnership, the brainchild of two now-grown-up teens who were participants in the Diller Teen Fellows program, a beneficiary of the BAP. The book is called “A Letter From Sara” and is a bilingual book (Hebrew/English) about children in Baltimore and Ashkelon! Once the book is published it will be distributed all over Ashkelon and to all of the Jewish schools in Baltimore to teach the communities about each other. Ellen is looking for children in Baltimore and Ashkelon in grades 4 through 6 who would like to send her their self portraits to be published in the book. If you know of a child who would like to participate, please contact her at ekz917@verizon.net and she will send you specific instructions. The template for the self-portrait (including proper dimensions) is attached here.


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