KSDS Alum Parents


Catching up with our Alum October 2, 2014

Filed under: Events,News,We are proud of our Alum,Where are they now. — alumparentblogger @ 12:56 AM

Adee Telem (95) is the Co-Founder and CEO of The Social Investment Consultancy in NYC

Rebecca Gillette (02)  is in graduate school at Yale, pursuing an MBA.

Mardy Shualy (02) has completed two years in the Peace Corps in South Africa.  He is now in graduate school at Yale.

Max Lifson (03) is a Graduate Student in Materials Science at the California Institute of Technology

Eric Narrow (03) is a Mid-Atlantic Campaign Executive at Jewish National Fund in Baltimore

Hannah Silverman (03) is a Financial Services Consultant  at Ernst & Young – Credit Analytics in DC

Elan Telem (03) is a Recruiting Coordinator at Deutsche Bank in NYC

Erin Dubnow (04) is at Temple University School of Medicine.

Mickey Katz (05)  is an Executive Compensation Analyst with Towers Watson in NYC.

 Julie Levitsky (05) is the Personal Assistant to Soledad O’Brien at at Starfish Media Group in NYC

Jeremy Hiken (05) is a Legal Research Associate at Thomson Reuters Westlaw in DC

Samantha Bloom (06) is the new Assistant Principal, Youth Director and Song Leader at Temple Oheb Shalom Religious School.

Josh Sherman (06) is in Israel on a Fellowship working on Arab Israeli/Israeli relations.

Rachel Shapiro (06) is teaching English in Spain.

Daniel Tsemach (06) just started training with the Israeli Defense Force.

Bessie Hurwitz (06) is working in China.

Sam Crystal (06) is spending the year in Israel. Follow his blog here.

Kayla Reisman (06) is a Senior Engagement Associate at Ithaca College Hillel.

Andrew Schon (06) is a Systems Administrator at McBee Digital.

Avi Miller (06) is a Graduate Assistant for Athletic Communications at The University of Akron.

Aviva Schwartz works at Clark University.

Adam Belzberg (06) is the Chief Operating Officer at Sagehen Capital Management in LA

Arielle Allentoff (06) is attending BU College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences – Sargent College.

Adin Reisner (06) works at the University of Rochester.

Ethan Levin (06) works at Berkley College of Music

Abby Shulman (06) is attending Vanderbilt University School of Medicine.

We are so proud of our alum. Your fellow alum parents are very interested to know what  your child is doing these days.

Please e-mail us and let us know so that we can include them next time.


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We hope to see you on the 26 October at 6:30 for a special evening of reminiscing with friends, sharing memories, and reconnecting.

Click here to register.


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